How to Get Pen Out of Clothes?

After writing how to get sharpie out of clothes?, we will discuss the best way to get pen out of clothes. Whatever the reasons are, the ink stains on your clothes will not go to remove easily. Although, the pen stains are very difficult to remove but that does not mean you will throw out your favorite clothes. You can try various home methods for getting the ink out yourself easily. After using these methods you will be surprised to know how quickly and effectively you get rid of pen stain from the clothes.

how to get pen out of clothes

Top Methods to Get Pen Out of Clothes:

1.) Rubbing alcohol to Get Pen Out of Clothes

Rubbing alcohol is one of the most effective ingredients to get pen stains out of clothes. You need to pour rubbing alcohol onto the stained spot and let it sit for few minutes to get it properly set. Once you are done, put your clothes in washing machine and operate into a regular wash cycle. Now you will see all the stains and marks have been removed completely.

2.) Hand Sanitizer to Get Pen Out of Clothes

Hand sanitizer is yet another effective way to get rid of pen stains. Its main component is rubbing alcohol. So, using a hand sanitizer is indirectly using rubbing alcohol to remove a stain. So, if you have rubbing alcohol then you do not need to use hand sanitizer but if don’t have then pouring on any hand sanitizer should remove the pen ink.

3.) Hair Spray to Get Pen Out of Clothes

If you look at the main ingredient present in the hair spray then you will get to know that it contains alcohol. Here you will get a clear view about the importance of alcohol in removing pen ink stain. You just need use any kind of hair spray and then directly spritz the stain until it is damp. The ink will immediately lift off.

4.) Dish Soap to Get Pen Out of Clothes

Your detergent of daily use can also be really useful in removing pen ink stain from your clothes. You just need to make a solution of half teaspoon of dish detergent, one tablespoon of white vinegar, and one quart of warm water. Let your clothes soak in this for half an hour before throwing them in a regular wash cycle.

5.) Ammonia to Get Pen Out of Clothes

Simply, soak a clean cotton cloth in plain ammonia and dab it directly onto the pen ink stain. Allow it to sit for a few minutes before scrubbing. To increase its strength, put a little dish detergent on your rag. You should keep doing this until most of the stain has been lifted off.

6.) Toothpaste to Get Pen Out of Clothes

Please note that this method will not work for all fabrics. Toothpaste (not gel) will work to take out pen stains from the cloth. Spread some paste directly onto your stain with your finger, and scrub it in a bit. Finally, wash the clothing in a regular wash cycle.

7.) Vinegar to Get Pen Out of Clothes

In this case, white vinegar can be really effective to remove stain naturally. Pour some vinegar on the stain, and then create a paste of vinegar and cornstarch. Now, spread this solution over the stained area and then allow it to set for a few hours before throwing your clothes in the wash cycle.

8.) Cornstarch to Get Pen Out of Clothes

Cornstarch is a great substance to remove pen stains naturally from the clothing. You will need to blend a bit of cornstarch with some milk. You should make a thin paste and then apply it to the stain. Let it set for a two hours before putting your clothing into the washing machine.